In extremity care, Dr. Mark Werking stood as a beacon of dedication and unwavering commitment. As the visionary behind the transformative Werking On Extremities: A Specific Approach to Extremity Conditions and Care, Dr. Werking's journey into the realm of chiropractic excellence is a testament to his deep-rooted devotion to his craft and the profound influence of an extraordinary person in his life.
This book, which has reshaped the way practitioners approach extremity conditions, carries a dedication that reflects the essence of Dr. Werking's character. It is dedicated to his late mother, Jayne A. Werking, whose loving devotion and unwavering encouragement propelled him forward even in the face of adversity. Her spirit and support have been the driving force behind this remarkable journey.
In addition to his personal dedication, Dr. Werking recognized the divine influence that has guided his path. He humbly acknowledged that all gifts and talents are bestowed from above, and he was in awe of the power that fuels his mission. His faith was beautifully encapsulated in 1 Peter 4:10-11, a verse that resonates through his work and underscores the profound impact of "Werking On Extremities."
Dr. Mark Werking's life and work are a testament to the power of dedication, love, and divine inspiration, and they continue to inspire and uplift countless individuals in the pursuit of excellence in extremity care.
This book, which has reshaped the way practitioners approach extremity conditions, carries a dedication that reflects the essence of Dr. Werking's character. It is dedicated to his late mother, Jayne A. Werking, whose loving devotion and unwavering encouragement propelled him forward even in the face of adversity. Her spirit and support have been the driving force behind this remarkable journey.
In addition to his personal dedication, Dr. Werking recognized the divine influence that has guided his path. He humbly acknowledged that all gifts and talents are bestowed from above, and he was in awe of the power that fuels his mission. His faith was beautifully encapsulated in 1 Peter 4:10-11, a verse that resonates through his work and underscores the profound impact of "Werking On Extremities."
Dr. Mark Werking's life and work are a testament to the power of dedication, love, and divine inspiration, and they continue to inspire and uplift countless individuals in the pursuit of excellence in extremity care.
Dr. Mark Werkings Curriculum Vitae
Mark K. Werking, D.C, D.A.C.B.N., D.I.B.E.C., C.C.S.P., C.C.R.P., C.C.N., F.I.B.E.C., F.G.C.S.S.
Arlington High School, Arlington Heights, IL, 1968-1970 Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN, 1972-1974 Nicolet High School, Milwaukee, WI, 1970-1972 Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, IA, Doctor of Chiropractic, 1977 Culver Military Academy, Culver, IN, Naval Commission, 1967-1970 LICENSURE State of Illinois, 1978-2020 State of Indiana, 1983-1989 EDUCATIONAL HONORS AND HIGHLIGHTS • Member of Gonstead Club, Palmer College of Chiropractic • X-ray Intern at Palmer College of Chiropractic Clinic - 1976 • Head X-ray Intern at Palmer College of Chiropractic Clinic - 1977 • Clinic Intern at Palmer College of Chiropractic Clinic - 1976 • Head Clinic Intern at Palmer College of Chiropractic Clinic - 1977 • Outstanding Clinic Service Award at Palmer College of Chiropractic Clinic -1977 • Department Assistant in Palmer College of Chiropractic Technique Department -1977 • Listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities - 1977 • Listed in Who's Who of American Professionals • Member of Roetgenological and Technological Society of Palmer College of Chiropractic • Member of the President's Club, Palmer College of Chiropractic • Member of Illinois Club, Palmer College of Chiropractic POSTGRADUATE STUDY National College of Chiropractic Lombard, IL Radiology, 1981 - present (Approximately 450 classroom hours completed) Board eligible for Diplomate status on the American Board of Chiropractic Roetgenologists (300 hours required) United Back School Lincoln, NE - 1987 Southeast Back Institute Roswell, GA - 1987 Palmer College of Chiropractic Davenport, IA Graduate x-ray study in the specialty of spinal and skeletal disorders,1977, 1988, under Dr. Russell Erhardt, D.C., D.A.B.C.R. (150 hours) Born To Win Leadership Conference Zig Ziglar - March, 1986 Symposium on Biomechanics/Nautilus Rehabilitation Dr. Stan Phlagenhoef, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1990 The Challenge of the Lumbar Spine, New York, NY - October 1987 Sponsored by UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical Schoo1- Newark NJ Symposium on Biomechanics - MEDX Rehabilitation Dr. Dave Carpenter, University of Florida - 1990 Chiropractic Rehabilitation Association Rehab 1989-2020, Peoria, IL Graduate study in chiropractic rehabilitation (100 hours) Certified Chiropractic Rehabilitation Physician National College of Chiropractic, Graduate study in sports injury (100 hours) 1987-1988 Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician Diplomate Program (200 hours) 1992 - 2020 National College of Chiropractic, Graduate hours in Nutrition (350 hours) 1997 Certified Clinical Nutritionist 1997 - 2020 Diplomate of American Board of Chiropractic Nutritionists 1997 - 2020 CPR Certified since 1985 by American Red Cross to 2020 International Symposium on clinical nutrition- I.A.A.C.N., 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,2008, 2009, 2010, 20011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 American board of Chiropractic Nutritionist Symposium, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2011, 2014 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Private Practice, Peoria, IL, 1977 - 2020 Tournament Doctor, ASA Women's Fast-Pitch National Tournament, Pekin, IL, 1986 and 1988 (Medical Coordinator) Team Doctor, Illinois Central College, Volleyball (1980-1990) Women's Basketball/Softball (1980-1989) East Peoria, IL ASA Women's Major Fast-Pitch Softball, Pekin Naturalettes, Pekin, IL, 1983-1992 Morton High School Athletics, Team Doctor, Morton, IL 1992 - 2014 International Lecturer on Chiropractic Sports Injury & Advanced Extremity Care Technique, 1989 - 2020 International Special Lecturer for the Gonstead Seminar of Chiropractic, 1998 - 2020 Weekly Radio Show, "Chiropractic and Health" WPEO Radio, Peoria, IL, 1990-1995 Speaker, Parker Chiropractic Research foundation, 1997-2000 Team teacher, Dr. Karl Parker Seminars, 1999-2002 Weekly Television Show, "Chiropractic and Health" Insight Cable Channel 22, Peoria, IL, 1996 - 2006 Author, Numerous Articles Gonstead Clinical Studies Society International Journal, 1989 – 2020 Author, monthly article on sports injury and care, Total Sports Advantage, 2002 - 2004 Chapter Editor and Contributor, Extremity Chapter Text Book of Clinical Chiropractic by Dr. Greg Plaugher, June 1993 Gonstead Seminar of Chiropractic on Website Contributor, Pediatric Text Book, by Dr. Greg Plaugher & Dr. Claudia Anrig, 1999 Author, Werking on Extremities , © September 2011 Industrial Consultant, Bemis Bag Co., Peoria, IL, 1993 - 2000 Industrial Consultant, Lynch Aluminum 2000 - 2014 Industrial Consultant, Peoria Charter Coach 1990 -2000 Industrial Consultant, Pyles Trucking 1999 - 2009 Industrial Consultant, Fleming Packaging, Peoria, IL, 1990 - 2008 Industrial Consultant, ALCOA, Princeville, IL, 1994 - 2002 Medical Coordinator, Race for the Cure (largest women's race in America) Peoria, IL, 1986 - 2000 Medical Coordinator, Spirit Run, Peoria, IL, 1990 – 1998 Wellness Coordinator, Peoria County Sheriff’s Dept., 2002, 2003 Wellness Coordinator, Peoria Police Dept., 2011- 2020 Member of Medical Staff United States Power lifting Federation, 1990 - 2008 Member of Medical Staff World Power lifting Federation, 1990 - 2008 Member of Medical Staff International Power lifting Federation, 1990 - 2008 Attending Chiropractor, Olympic Games, 1996 Weightlifting Venue Adjunct Professor, Illinois State University, Athletic Training Department, Bloomington, IL, 1986- 2020 Author of articles for the Extremity & Nutrition section of the Gonstead Seminar website, 2000 - 2020 Medical Coordinator for the L.P.G.A. Tour, Weaver Ridge Golf Club, Peoria, IL, September, 2001, 2002, 2003 Associate faculty at Southern California University of Health Sciences (Formerly Los Angeles College of Chiropractic) 2001 - 2020 Instructor for the International Pediatric Association, Diplomat Status, 2003 to 2005 Special presenter, International Pediatric Association, 2005 to 202 Presenter, Palmer Gonstead Extravaganza, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2006, 2016 Special presenter, Life University, Marietta, GA, 2000 - 2020 PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND AFFILIATIONS Member, Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Association, 1978 - 2020 Chiropractor of the Year, District 8, Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Association, 1982 President, Illinois Prairie State Chiropractic Association, 1981 - 1983 Alternate Delegate to I.P.S.C.A. (state level), 1984 - 1988 I.P.S.C.A. Liaison to the Nuclear Safety Board of Illinois, 1983 - 1987 Chairman, I.P.S.C.A. PPO Committee for Insurance, 1985 - 1988 X-ray Consultant to I.P.S.C.A Peer Review Committee, 1985 - 2020 I.P.S.C.A., Vice-President, District 8, 1994 - 1996 Member, Palmer College of Chiropractic International Alumni Association, 1977 - 2020 Member, International Chiropractic Association, 1978 - 2020 Member, American Chiropractic Association, 1981 - 2020 Member, ACA Council on Diagnostic Imaging, 1981 - 2020 Member, ACA Council of Sports Injuries and Physical Fitness, 1987 - 2020 Member, ACA Council on Chiropractic Physiological Therapeutics Member, American College of Roentgenology, 1982 - 2020 Member, American College of Sports Medicine, 1988 - 2020 Member, Gonstead Clinical Studies Society, 1979 - 2000, 2012- 2020 Diplomate, Gonstead Technique, 1983 - 2020 Member, Gonstead Clinical Studies Society Board of Directors, 1991 - 2000 Chairperson, Accreditation Committee, Gonstead Clinical Studies Society, 1993 - 2000 Vice-President, Gonstead Clinical Studies Society, 1996 - 2000 Fellow, Gonstead Clinical Studies Society, 1993 – 2020 Executive Fellow Board Gonstead Clinical Studies Society 2016- 2020 Fellow credentialing board Gonstead Clinical studies Society 2016- 2020 President, Gonstead Clinical Studies Society, 2000 Drug Control Committee of the United States Power Lifting Federation, 1989 2000 Advisor, Palmer College of Chiropractic Gonstead Club, Davenport, Iowa, 1990 - 2020 Member, Board of Directors, Associated Chiropractic Providers Inc, 1992- 1998 Appointee to Governor Jim Edgar's Illinois Board of Radiological Technologists Accreditation Advisory Board, 1994 - 2000 Gonstead Commitment Award, presented by the Gonstead Seminar, 2000 Master of ceremonies, 600th Gonstead Seminar of Chiropractic, Palmer Universities, Davenport, IA. September 21, 2001 National speaker and consultant, Shaklee corp. Atlanta, Ga. 2000, San Francisco, CA, 2001 - 2020 National speaker for Bemer Group Academies 2016 to 2020 Founder and director of the International Board of Extremity Chiropractors (IBEC) “Werking on Wellness” Radio show WVEL Peoria, Illinois 2017 Chiropractor for the local run of the Broadway presentation of Kat’s 2004 & 2005 Chiropractor for Jay Goldberg productions, Professional Shows Local 1980- 2020 Associate Instructor - Los Angeles College of Chiropractic 2001 – 2020 Medical advisory board chairman Voxx International 2018 CIVIL ASSOCIATION Member, Boy Scouts of America, W.D. Boyce Council Award of Merit, Boy Scouts of America, 1989 Past Council Advancement Vice-Chairman of Boy Scouts of America, 1987 - 1989 Sponsor/Chairman, Explorer Post for Chiropractic, Boy Scouts of America, 1987 - 1989, 1996 - 1998 Member, Peoria Chamber of Commerce, 1987 - 2020 Member, Better Business Bureau, 1987- 2020 Peoria Board Member, Youth for Christ, 1988 - 1993 |